Trying to find inspiration for my website content, I came across a list of GREAT QUESTIONS to ask people, in order to get to know them. Inspired by the idea,
I have decided to answer a few of them, hoping that you’ll get to know me better.
I know who I am, what my values are, and what I stand for.
I don’t have a small group of people - just one - around whom I can be 100-percent myself. This is my husband who knows the most genuine of my smiles and my long list of dreams but has also seen me eat an entire cheesecake (in one sitting) and wipe my snot on the sleeve of my sweatshirt as I cry. I know that having even one of these people in my life, I am fortunate.
I have a circle of people who, though I don't see them as often as I'd like, are still the first ones celebrating my victories and listening on the other end of the phone line when my world is crashing down. These are the kind of friendships that time and distance and different life paths don't change - and I know that they require nourishing.
I understand that life is precious, and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. I continuously remind myself who and what I’m grateful for and try to show them my appreciation often.
I will always strive for personal growth, but I accept my imperfections and love myself regardless. My personal experience thought me, that if I demand perfection, I will only be exhausted.
I have a collection of memories. Some of them make me laugh, some make me smirk, some make me cringe, and some of them make me cry.
I know when to close my mouth & listen. Everybody has something to share.
I learn from every single experience I have. I allow these lessons to guide me in the future. And I will never think I am too old to learn something new.
I treat every one of my fellow human beings as equals, regardless of race, culture, socioeconomic class, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.
I try to never take myself so seriously that I've forgotten how to laugh or be silly. I think I’ll never get too old to see the world through the eyes of a child - with wonder and awe. Maturity and playfulness can coexist.